Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ken Miller Profile in the BAM

This month's Brown Alumni Magazine has a great cover article on Professor Ken Miller, one of the most outspoken defenders of evolution against the encroachment of Creationists. I'm sure this will come as a surprise to the majority of the Kansas School Board, but he is not, in fact, a rabid atheist bent on destroying all that is good and moral in America. Miller is one of the best at cutting through the flimsy arguments put forth by those who want intelligent design taught side-by-side with evolution in a way that a layperson can understand. Here's a sampling from the article:

Miller argues that the position of most anti-evolutionists is really scientific illiteracy. Everything in science—from gravity to relativity—is “just a theory,” he points out. If an explanation comes along that more successfully accounts for the observations and evidence, science adopts it, replacing the earlier “truth” with the newer, more complete one. If someone, for example, can come up with a better explanation than gravity for why your spilled coffee falls on the floor instead of the ceiling, science will happily give up the “theory” of gravity. Science is always provisional, Miller explains, but that does not mean that it is controversial, or a matter of opinion, faith, or personal preference. Similarly, evolution via natural selection is a “theory” only in this provisional, scientific sense.
The reality is that the best way to make your reputation as a young scientist is to upset the apple cart. If I or any other scientist thought that we really could upset the ideas of Charles Darwin and replace them with a new or superior theory, boy, there would be no better way to make your reputation, to ensure scientific immortality, and to get the best possible grant funding. It is that very sort of self-promotion that makes science work.
The article is more of a profile of Miller himself than a takedown of Intelligent Design, but it's still worth checking out if you've ever read any of Miller's stuff.