Monday, October 17, 2005

Second Rate Romney

The New York Daily News has a story today about current New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg's history of political donations. It turns out that Mayor Bloomberg, who was a Democrat until just before he ran for mayor in 2001, donated to Mitt Romney's 1994 Senate campaign against Senator Ted Kennedy, among other GOP candidates like Bob Dole and Steve Forbes. How does the Mayor reconcile these donations with his earlier claim of being a Democratic fundraiser? From the News:

Bloomberg also wrote that he sometimes gave to "second-rate" candidates "because my friends ask me to help."

So what was the deal with Romney?

"He gave to Mitt Romney because a business associate asked him to," said Bloomberg campaign spokesman Stu Loeser, who declined to elaborate.
Allow me to elaborate for Mr. Loeser: Mitt Romney was a second-rate candidate in 1994, and he's a second-rate Governor now.