Wednesday, October 12, 2005

No Followthrough

Today's Herald had more evidence that Governor Mitt Romney has no interest in actually governing our state. It appears that our 'Red Speck' apparently doesn't trust those he appoints to commissions, at least not enough to follow through. Maybe he's worried that their recommendations wouldn't play well enough with those South Carolina Republicans he's worried about. From the article:

More than a dozen "blue-ribbon" commissions and task forces appointed by Gov. Mitt Romney with great fanfare have faded into irrelevance – often ignored by the governor himself, a Herald review has found.

Of the 15 commissions announced by the governor since Jan. 1, 2003, few have sparked substantive changes in laws or policies governing complex issues such as education, affordable housing and equal opportunity employment.

Frustrated commission members told the Herald that Romney either ignored their recommendations, pre-empted their work with unilateral action on his own or took action on an issue that ran counter to their findings or advice.
This is what happens when you have government by publicity stunt. With Romney, we get PowerPoint presentations, press conferences, policy committees, but no followthrough and no leadership. He doesn't seem to even care he's not getting anything accomplished, so long as it looks like he's doing something.