Thursday, February 10, 2005

"Hey, Look What I Found"

From the Globe:

Radioactive material lost about four months ago by Texas-based Halliburton Energy Services surfaced in was discovered Thursday in Boston, after federal homeland security and enforcement authorities launched a massive search.
According to the report, two radioactive sources of the element Americium were imported from Russia by Halliburton Energy Services. The shipment went through Amsterdam to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on October 9, and then disappeared until Wednesday when it turned up in Boston.
So, Halliburton loses nuclear material from Russia for four months -- sending it to Boston instead of Texas. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission didn't know anything about it during that time, but they say they're "going to be pressing them as to why the notification was not more timely." Yeah, I'm sure Cheney will make sure they're right on top of that.

Feel safer yet?