Thursday, December 08, 2005

Preparing For the 2006 Caucuses

Via DFA Cambridge

Jesse Gordon has put together a guide on how to get yourself elected to the Democratic State Convention in May. Here are the Cliff's Notes:

  • Register as a Democrat immediately. [The deadline to be eligible is December 31st]
  • Find out where and when your local Democratic Committees meet, and attend one their meetings.
  • They’ll hold Caucus meetings in February.
  • Bring as many people as possible to the Caucus, to run as delegates themselves, or to vote for you.
  • In May, delegates attend the Convention to elect nominees for governor and other statewide offices.
If you're not sure how to get involved with your Democratic Town/Ward Committee, the MassDems website has a list of contacts. If you happen to live in Watertown, like I do, the next meeting is going to be the last Thursday in January, only a week or so before the Caucus. If you're interested in joining the Watertown DTC or attending the caucus, let me know and I'll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Why get involved? I'll let Jesse answer that question:
If you stay involved, and a few hundreds others like you stay involved also, we can have a Democratic Party that welcomes newcomers and outsiders -–and grow our party to its former strength, rather than watching it wither away more every year.